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Dan: 11-Nov-2011 02:56:15
Ignoring direct eyewitness reports of pedophilic sodomy by Paterno at Penn State exemplifies our Three Monkey Society.

Dan: 03-Nov-2011 14:37:26
On Macondo re-leak. It should be finally acknowledged before end of month. I pray for strength, we will survive and live on.

Dan: 03-Nov-2011 14:32:52
MF Global "liquidated"; all accounts and transferred them to Goldman or a subsidiary. Corzine was Goldman's CEO. My God are we in trouble. Obama is owned by these people. No immediate arrest of Corzine or at least some little people will prove that.

Dan: 20-Oct-2011 09:38:58
BoA's transferring tens of billions of losses in derivatives from its investment side to its FDIC insured depositors is pure and simple theft of public monies. Any political or appointed government leader who does not immediately demand BoA be prosecuted is a knowing accomplice in that crime.

Dan: 14-Oct-2011 19:23:33
The retail sales numbers release showed a 7.9% increase year over year and over 1% last month seasonally adjusted and without adjustment for inflation. The problem is that every single category was actually down in dollar terms at a 5% rate. God does not help liars to all.

Dan: 12-Oct-2011 21:17:01
Black hole in the oceans that suck down ships big and small is possible mechanism for how BP well re-leak will work. Simulated in big water tanks: Natural gas forms bubbles on bottom and when reach certain size the now large bubble rises to surface and ships up to 400' fall into the hole created when bubble reaches the surface. One helluva surprise, you suddenly free fall a hundred feet into ocean and walls collapse over you.

Dan: 06-Oct-2011 09:37:01
Amazing 400 point last 45 minute rally yesterday. Nasdaq was positive all day. A sign of a short-term bottom and then shorts covered. In almost 50 years I have never seen anything like this seesaw action in stock market. High vibration imply high stress.

Dan: 04-Oct-2011 07:28:46
Market is accelerating. Interbank lending rates are moving higher. Fed lent 16 trillion to banks, home and abroad. On what collateral? This is getting good.

Dan: 01-Oct-2011 21:42:10
Markets dumped on last day of quarter. Our delusional leaders think that their hot air and BS pronouncements actually do work. Fascinating! Bof A announces a five dollar charge to use a debit card. Insane PR. We are on verge of major bank runs. Cash is so much cheaper and safer.

Dan: 27-Sep-2011 20:20:10
Been callin "natural resources committee" in Congress teeling them about Macondo. Giving them Wings of Care site etc.

Dan: 27-Sep-2011 20:15:15
DJ up 260, the Greek prime minister is having a working dinner with Merkel. Amazing, end of quarter rally. All markets are correlated 100% now. All up or all down at same time. This is truly scary. Absolutely no correlation to underlying real world differences between countries and markets. Wowsers this crash is truly fascinating.

Dan: 27-Sep-2011 00:33:48
This crash is getting more scary all the time. Mkt up over 200 on proposal to pump trillions more in borrowings into bankrupt European banks. Our corrupt leaders are truly crazy. They refuse to bear or enforce any accountability through bankruptcy. Meanwhile Maconsdo and other Gulf wells are leaking at an increasing rate. God help us.

Dan: 25-Sep-2011 20:13:51
It looks like BP is putting Corexit on surface near Macondo. Wings of care has video of a ship spraying al arge whit swath of something over side of its ship, maybe an 1/8th of its length wide.

Dan: 25-Sep-2011 20:08:26

Dizfunkshunal: 20-Sep-2011 05:14:07
You still around?

Dan: 12-Sep-2011 10:04:33
At least 9700, but more likely crack 9500 on Dow. We are getting ready for bank run. Why keep cash in a possibly failing bank at zero interest when FDIC has zero reserves. Where is Congress going to get the money. Answer "No where"" Just like social security, we have 'looted' the trust funds by putting in general fund and spending it on wars etc. We are literally bankrupt and that must be acknowledged in public, politically with actual legislation and a "throw the bums out election" for us to learn this lesson.

Dan: 10-Sep-2011 01:59:10
Ron Paul msnbc poll republican debate winner at 57%.

Dan: 10-Sep-2011 01:56:36
Market getting ready for big dump.

Dan: 08-Sep-2011 04:02:18
09-07-11 Changed "The Purpose Of The No 1st Cost List Is To Solicit & Record Our Public Questions & Disagreements.&quo t; to "The Purpose Of The No 1st Cost List Is To Solicit & Record Our "Objective&qu ot; Public Questions & Disagreements.&quo t;. Should I change Solicit to Create? Creates it is. "brings into existence" Google dictionary.

Dan: 06-Sep-2011 10:58:00
Consciousness arises from self-awareness. That means the path to enlightenment comes from watching and recording what you actually do. The not-dos are implied.

Dan: 24-Aug-2011 20:07:19
BP denies leak says ROV found nothing, but we have pictres of the oil on surface over Macondo wellhead. Wait and see.

Dan: 20-Aug-2011 12:23:27
Bad news. My least favorite disconnection method. The BP well is leaking and BP is sending many ships to its site to try and contain the surface slick. My God have mercy on our souls. Log it tomorrow.

Dan: 14-Aug-2011 02:58:59
Catastrophic crash proceeding to model. We should see big rally in stocks about 50%. Should be fast done by labor day. congress will be back and the deadlock will be revealed as still there.

Dan: 14-Aug-2011 02:53:34
More pruning FP. Seeing end of editing. Putting useful news at top really has helped.

Dan: 07-Aug-2011 08:22:55
I added Daily News to top of FP so I can change frequently. Then put "No Questions From Politicians And Reporters News:" The news is what the N1CL is about, collrcting testable, verifiable news reports from anyone not fraid to stand behind what they report.

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Dan: The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. - John F. Kennedy
04-Dec-2020 09:23:00
Dan: In Matthew 12:25 Jesus says: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."
13-Nov-2020 07:25:28
Dan: "We can ignore reality, but we can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." MilwaukeeMark ZeroHedge
10-Nov-2020 09:30:35
Dan: 'Do you realize that a "No sex until you pass 4 semesters of Calculus Rule" would ensure civilization on this planet for the next million years, and colonization of nearby planets!" by Pete4Hegemon WND James Dobson Sex Ed article pushing teaching sexual abstinence in schools 2020-09-19. Brilliant, true, and very funny.
20-Sep-2020 05:18:43
Dan: 'Its(journalisms) core purpose, the only thing that really makes it matter or have worth, is reporting what is true, or at least what evidence reveals." Glenn Greenwald via The Inercept
06-Sep-2020 00:22:48
Dan: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Men may not get all they pay for in this world; but they must pay for all they get." - Frederick Douglass
22-Aug-2020 08:34:44
Dan: "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." -John Bernard Books- The Shootist
15-Aug-2020 21:07:45
Dan: A political observation: All voters lives matter regardless of their skin color.
07-Aug-2020 17:03:38
Dan: "If you can't question it. It is not science." comment by New Darwin The Sordid History Of Science, Zero Hedge July 19, 2020
20-Jul-2020 01:26:41
Dan: "the key component to civilization is civility and I don’t see much of that anymore." George Critch July 17 2020 Caitlan Johnstone .com comment.
18-Jul-2020 07:17:00
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